"TRUTH WITHOUT PROOF" V1.10 PROGRAM SNAPSHOT ============================================= TRUTH WITHOUT PROOF is an electronic book that deals with the nagging questions: What is the purpose of human life? What is wrong with the world of today? And finally... is there and end in sight for the times we are going through? This book will give you a "mental quake" that will wipe out old fashioned concepts of time and space and the worn out ideas about creation and its origin! This collection of astounding thoughts and ideas will give you more to think about than you ever thought possible. First class literature for lovers of Wisdom and Truth. Composed in a screen by screen display for the computer age. Remarkable... Powerful and truly Brilliant! Major book features include: browser, filters, word search, twelve output formats, context sensitive help, and various tools and options to customize print, disk write and screen characteristics. 2.00 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS ========================== The program will work with any IBM or compatible PC with 640K RAM (at least 460K free RAM), DOS 2.0 or later, Mono, CGA, EGA or VGA graphics card and hard disk drive with 1.0MB of free disk space. (1.2 MB needed for installation.) 3.00 HOW TO INSTALL THE PROGRAM =============================== NOTE: It is only necessary to install the program once. 1. Turn on the computer. 2. Enter date and time if DOS prompts for them. 3. Insert the TRUTH WITHOUT PROOF disk into Drive A. (*) 4. Type A: and press . 5. Type INSTALL C: and press . (*) 6. Follow instructions on the screen. (*) The above instructions assume you are using the default values of: Floppy Disk Drive A: Hard Disk Drive C: If you use different values modify the instructions accordingly. 4.00 HOW TO START THE PROGRAM ============================== TO START Program on Hard Disk System: (*) 1. Turn on the computer. 2. Enter date and time if DOS prompts for them. 3. Type C: and press . 4. Type CD \TRUTHWP and press . 5. Type TWP and press . (*) The above instructions assume you are using the default values of: Hard Disk Drive C: Target Directory \TRUTHWP If you use different values modify the instructions accordingly. 5.00 HINTS AND TIPS ==================== The program help key is . Press for context sensitive help. Press for the main Help Menu. 6.00 Problem and Solution ========================== Problem: The program suddenly shuts down. Solution: Remove any TSR (memory resident) programs that are using memory and try again. This program requires 640K RAM; at least 460K of the 640K must be free. 7.00 Mailing Address ===================== ! WISDOM PUBLICATIONS ! P.O. BOX 66053 HERITAGE P.O. EDMONTON ALBERTA CANADA T6J 6T4